One of the highlights this summer has been a killer power pop mix CD that I have in constant rotation in my car. Truth: power pop was made for summer days when just a foot out the door is an instant mood boost. Even better, listening to it when the windows are down and you're wearing the goofy sunglasses your little brother has most likely acquired as a novelty item at some party or other. Driving time has been limited lately by the fact that I spent most of my week in NY, so I'm forgoing the unpredictability of classic rock and rap radio and going with the meticulously-crafted playlist. Listening to the Cars loud as fuck while leaving the Foodtown parking lot? No regrets. The playlist was mostly compiled by scanning through power pop threads on
ILM, but here it is, from me to you, the soundtrack the rest of yr Indian summer. Please, please, let the first time you hear this be in the car if possible, and make sure to TURN IT UP. Few pleasures greater than pulling out of the driveway to the opening drum of "Ballroom Blitz."

Do you know how hard it was to do that for you? You owe it to me to make good on that work.
Also, if you wanna hear me playing the Battery Maritime Building as part of that David Byrne sound installation, head over
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