Monday, August 4, 2008


The biggest political story that hasn't gotten much coverage this year is that John McCain is a fucking hack of a candidate. Dude has no serious policy proposals -- in fact, he kind of disdains talking about any policy not Iraq-related -- has done a complete 180 since his Champion of Reform campaign of 2000 and has gone negative faster than any presidential candidate in recent memory to boot, the definitive sign of having no vision and nothing to asy. For most politicians this kind of hackery gets you branded as backwards thinking, flip-flopper and dishonorable, respectively, but John McCain gets a free pass on all this for cozying up to the media for a few years and cultivating his own brand. And that's his job as a politician, especially one with presidential aspirations, so good for him. But I can't figure why the media is so complicit in perpetuating the McCain myth even as his campaign continues to embarass itself with its total ineptitude and lack of standing for anything besides Obama-hating. And so even though I know it won't happen, I hope that this story slowly makes its way into the mainstream media and all we hear about for a few days is how after John McCain flip-flopped his position on offshore drilling -- and I want to hear that word, flip-flopped -- and just days later Republican coffers were more than 250k fuller thanks to big oil execs. At the very least, it should shed some light on what the offshore drilling debate is really about and who truly stands to benefit from it.

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