Another memory that stands out is waiting on line behind this Mexican dude puffing the worst smelling thing I'd ever smelled. The odor was burned into my senses for days, and I was not a sensitive-to-smoke kid, really. A few years later I would find out that this was the burn of a Black and Mild--although, I swear, that one time the odor was for whatever reason majorly amplified--and spent many a summer night before college with my co-counselors passing one around the staff porch like a blunt. Anyway, Great Adventure has now banned cigs inside the park, which as a surrogate parent for the afternoon is a major relief. Although funnily enough I did smell some ganj while waiting in line for one ride. At one point in my life I thought it would be fun to get really baked in the car on the ride over and ride the Great American Scream Machine, but that dream has yet to be realized.

Another thing: there is a serious paucity of hot twenty-something to ogle at walking around Great Adventure. Lots of girls dressed all skimpy, for sure, but most of them are just ugly in an indistinct way. It really made waiting on line that much harder.
Finally, starting V. over for the fourth time in about as many years. Will I finish? Forecast is not optimistic, but I am holding out hope. I haven't read a book yet this summer, it's getting quite pathetic, but I am up on the political news and celebrity gossip like never before. It's not that my interest in that stuff is on the rise, but I am imbibing that stuff on the regular via extended Gawker breaks at work.
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