While I have no idea what I want this blog to become, I know that if I keep sitting on it without making a first post about something--anything--then its odds of survival are but SLIM TO NONE!
So, how 'bout some Bone Awl MP3s to kick things off? The good folks who write the Aquarius Records newsletter love this Bay Area black metal duo to death, who, by the way, go by the awesome monikers He Who Gnashes Teeth and He Who Crushes Teeth. Really good stuff; in its speed, raw intensity and lo-fi aesthetic (they release most of their material on cassettes, I believe) Bone Awl's music has a definite affinity for a certain strain of punk, and the vocals are a mean animal growl that you're definitely going to dig.
These three tracks are from the Not for Our Feet LP, which I found a rip of on Soulseek a while back. Enjoy!
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